Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Feline Diabetes And Your Cat

Did you know cats are one of America's most popular pets? I was surprised. I thought dogs would win that poll.  Cats can live for many years and provide you with companionship with a touch of independence. 

I am sure you know that cats can and do get sick. Sometimes it is just because it ate something outdoors that it would have been wiser to ignore! Sometimes it is serious. Feline diabetes is one of those serious ailments, though humans are more likely to develop diabetes than cats are.

The cause is the same. Too much sugar in the bloodstream.  The short story is the pancreas creates insulin which manages the glucose level in the cat's blood.  If this not working properly you can blame it on diabetes.  A common sympton is extreme thirst accompanied by an increase in urine output. Other symptoms may include weight loss, change in the condition of the cat's fur, or a loss of appetite. 

Left untreated, it will get worse. Your cat will become less active, will vomit more and may become comatose if you ignored all of the other warning signals. That would be entirely unnecessary because you can treat feline diabetes with a visit to your veterinarian.

I did not say it would be easy. But you can manage your cat's diabetes by learning some new skills. For one thing you will need to feed your cat at the same time everyday. That makes a lot of sense for any cat.  Your cat will need to become an indoor pet, even if it is accustomed to going outdoors.   Treament is not overnight. You need to stay focused and be dedicated to the health of your precious furry companion or your cat will suffer the consequences.

If the vet prescribes insulin, you need to follow instructions very carefully. Always give your cat food before administering insulin.  Your vet will know how much to give your cat and how to do this and how often. So listen carefully and take notes when you discuss feline diabetes with your veterinarian.

With proper care your cat can live a long and reasonably normal life, INDOORS even with diabetes.
Feline Diabetes Solution s can be found so check with your vet and visit cat people forums for help.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Important Things You Should Know If You Plan To Feed Your Cat With Home Made Cat Food

 by Wilma Taylor

Feeding your cat some homemade cat food is a very appealing idea when it comes to making sure that your cat is eating as healthily as it possibly can. The downside of this may be that you struggle for any spare time, what with holding down a job and looking after a family. It may be that you do not think you will have any spare time to make your own home made cat food.

However, the benefits to having your cat healthy are more important than actually saving the few minutes a day that it could take to prepare a home made cat meal. It may only take you a few minutes more to feed your cat some healthy homemade food than it would to open a packet of shop bought cat food. Another advantage to your cat having a healthy meal will be that your cat will not need as much health care by the professionals, which could end up saving you quite a bit of money.

It is important to know what food is healthy for cats, and you can quite easily find this out by sticking to natural recipes.

After you discover what the healthiest food is available for your cat, you need to know how to provide this for your pet. If you regularly do a weekly shop then you could incorporate buying your healthy cat food into this routine. That way you are at least guaranteeing that you have enough food in stock for a full week.

With plenty of food to share with your pet, you can make yourself a plan of what food you will give your cat and on what day. This way you can make sure that it is getting a complete balance of foods with all the nutrition it needs. It is also easier for you, as you just get to repeat the meals on a weekly basis.

You could place a couple of days' of meals into your refrigerator and the rest can be frozen to keep their freshness.

The concept of homemade healthy cat foods is mainly all about planning properly. Once you have decided what is good for your cat and how often it needs feeding, the easier it will become to make sure that he or she gets a properly balanced diet.

About the Author:
In addition to taking care of cats, the writer additionally regularly shares knowledge on HP scanner software and the paperless office.