Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Cat Scratching Problem And Its Solution

Scratched furniture, shredded curtains and carpets - all these 'facts' are signs that the house is 'owned' by a cat! The majority of cat lovers get really angry with their pets when these little disasters happen, yelling at them and trying to make them stop scratching. However, we should remember in such circumstances that scratching is a healthy habit and a natural instinct - it helps cats stretch, exercise, sharpen their claws and mark their territory.

Don't even think about punishing your kitty for behaving normally! She will not understand you, continuing to scratch, this time with an 'attitude'. Declawing is another bad option - this procedure is painful and has severe side-effects on your pet's health.
The simplest solution is to acquire and install a cat scratching post. This useful invention allows a cat to scratch, sharp her claws, stretch and play for as long as she likes without damaging your belongings and your nerves.

Nowadays, the online market offers different models of scratching posts - from the classical sisal-covered vertical pole to the more original scratching pads with surfaces from carpet or cardboard. For those owners who are not afraid to invest a little more in the well-being of their kittens, there are also more extravagant options - cat gyms, cat trees and cat condos.

So how to choose the best scratching post - after all, the diversity is overwhelming! Actually, it's very simple: just study your pet's habits, they are the only 'key' you need! If your kitty is scratching chairs and other vertical surfaces, buy a vertical post. If she enjoys scratching the floor and the carpets, maybe she needs a carpet-covered horizontal pad.

Also, measure your cat and make sure that the post is taller than she is. Otherwise, she won't be able to fully stretch and play! The post should be heavy and sturdy - the last thing you want is a collapsed, useless post! Cats adore to scratch solid things and easily lose interest if the post is too light. If your kitty is still little, attach some toys to the post - this will guarantee many hours of enthusiastic playing!

It's also important to install the post in a 'strategic' place. If your cat's favorite scratching spot is the kitchen wooden cabinet, that's where the post should be placed! Avoid installing it in a dark storage room - kitties with normal self-respect will never go and play in such a place. After all, they like to socialize and show off a little - why not use this to your own advantage?

Teaching your kitty to use the post is the next step. Don't be too strict! Cats - unlike dogs - are not obedient and do not respond to commands. Use patience and affection instead and play with your furry friend near the post until she figures out on her own how fun it is to scratch it.

With a scratching post, you'll soon forget about the stress of seeing how your new things are being destroyed. You'll be calm and your kitty will be extremely content, being able to manifest her natural needs. However, don't forget that cats are very clean animals. They will not scratch a filthy, smelling post - that's why you have to give it a good wash when you notice that it got dirty.

About the Author:Lauren Brooks

1 comment:

  1. Out of necessity, I produced a product that will keep Kitty from tearing up the carpet under the door when confined to his room.

    We occasionally lock up indoor cat "Deeds" during barbecues or parties where he could slip out the door with guests. We also leave him in his room during the occasional overnight trip. He liked to attempt an escape by scratching under the door. I work in real estate and see homes all the time that have damaged carpets at doorways. Many apartment dwellers lose their security deposit because Kitty has shredded the carpet at the door(s).

    I'd be happy to send info if you email
